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ABOUT HIMACHAL PRADESH. (हिमाचल प्रदेश के बारेमे जानकारी।)


          दुनिया में सबसे शानदार प्राकृतिक बाधा, उस क्षेत्र की सीमाओं को चिह्नित करती है जो दिल्ली से उत्तर की ओर फैली हुई है। इस क्षेत्र में विभिन्न प्रकार की संस्कृतियाँ और परिदृश्य स्थित हैं। दिल्ली की हलचल शहरी फैलाव धीरे-धीरे पंजाब और हरियाणा के हरे-भरे खेत, उत्तर प्रदेश और लद्दाख के निर्मल पहाड़ी रास्ते हैं। भूवैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से, हिमालय बहुत छोटा है, लेकिन मनुष्यों के लिए, वे कालातीत अनंत काल की भावना पैदा करते हैं, और हजारों वर्षों से भारतीयों के लिए आध्यात्मिक प्रेरणा का स्रोत रहे हैं। उनकी ढलानों पर स्थित मठ और मंदिर इन पहाड़ों की गहन सुंदरता के पूरक हैं। इस क्षेत्र के अधिकांश आगंतुक दिल्ली से शुरू होते हैं, जो देश की राजधानी, एक शहर है जो कई ऐतिहासिक युगों का मिश्रण है। इसका भव्य मुगल अतीत अपने कई शानदार स्मारकों और कब्रों में स्पष्ट है। नई दिल्ली के सुंदर वृक्षों वाले आश्रमों और बंगलों ने ब्रिटिश शासन की अवधि को बढ़ा दिया। फिर भी दोनों इंटरनेट कैफे, शॉपिंग आर्केड और पॉश मल्टीप्लेक्स सिनेमा की आधुनिक दुनिया के साथ हैं।

1947 में भारत के विभाजन से विस्थापित हुए लाखों लोगों को समायोजित करने के लिए दिल्ली की आबादी बड़े पैमाने पर बह गई, जब पंजाब का पश्चिमी हिस्सा पाकिस्तान का हिस्सा बन गया। पश्चिम पंजाब के बेघर शरणार्थी दिल्ली में समृद्ध हुए हैं, और अब शहर के व्यावसायिक जीवन पर हावी हैं। देश की राजधानी के रूप में, दिल्ली पूरे भारत के लोगों को आकर्षित करने के लिए जारी है, इस जीवंत शहर को एक महानगरीय हवा देता है।
मेहनती, लचीला पंजाबियों ने 1960 के दशक में शुरू की गई आधुनिक कृषि तकनीकों के साथ अपने गृह राज्य को भी बदल दिया है। इस "हरित क्रांति" के परिणामस्वरूप पंजाब और हरियाणा आज भारत के गेहूं और चावल और इसके एक-तिहाई डेयरी उत्पादों का उत्पादन करते हैं। पंजाब दुनिया में सबसे सफल अप्रवासी समुदायों में से एक है, और आज, लगभग हर परिवार में कम से कम एक सदस्य विदेश में रहता है, चाहे वह लंदन में, न्यूयॉर्क, वैंकूवर या हांगकांग में, जैसा कि मीरा नायर की फिल्म, मानसून वेडिंग (शादी) में चित्रित किया गया है 2001)। "पंजाब" नाम का तात्पर्य उन पांच (पंच) नदियों (ab) से है जो इस हरित भूमि को पार करती हैं। छठी "नदी", अगर कोई इसे कह सकता है कि, पौराणिक ग्रैंड ट्रंक रोड है। दिल्ली के उत्तर में लगभग कहीं भी यात्रा करना, इस मार्ग का उपयोग करने के लिए बाध्य है। रुडयार्ड किपलिंग के दिन से यातायात का प्रकार बदल गया हो सकता है, और यह अब राष्ट्रीय रूप से राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग 1 पर फिर से शुरू हो गया है, लेकिन यह अभी भी लेखक के विवरण पर निर्भर करता है: "जीवन की ऐसी नदी दुनिया में कहीं भी मौजूद नहीं है"।

राजेरा के दौरान, मैदानी इलाकों और पहाड़ों के लिए गर्मी से अंग्रेज बच जाते थे। आज के आगंतुक साल भर उनके नक्शेकदम पर चलते हैं। हिमाचल प्रदेश में कई रमणीय हिल स्टेशन हैं, जैसे शिमला, कसौली और डलहौज़ी। पहाड़ी के किनारे बागों से आच्छादित हैं, और सेब की खेती राज्य की अर्थव्यवस्था का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। हिमाचल प्रदेश भी शानदार ट्रेक प्रदान करता है, जिनमें से कुछ धर्मशाला से शुरू होते हैं, जो दलाई लामा के घर के रूप में एक अलग तिब्बती स्वाद के साथ एक शहर है। हंस टूर द्वारा हिमाचल टूर, एक शानदार छुट्टी अनुभव प्रदान करता है।

जम्मू और कश्मीर, जिसमें लद्दाख शामिल है, भारत का सबसे उत्तरी राज्य है। दुख की बात है कि खूबसूरत कश्मीर घाटी में आतंकवादी अलगाववादी आंदोलन ने वहां के पर्यटन को प्रभावी रूप से समाप्त कर दिया है। लेकिन लद्दाख शांति का नखलिस्तान बना हुआ है। अक्सर एक विशुद्ध रूप से बौद्ध संस्कृति होने के रूप में माना जाता है, इसकी आबादी, वास्तव में, लगभग समान रूप से बौद्धों और मुसलमानों के बीच विभाजित है, जो सद्भाव में यहां सहअस्तित्व करते हैं। लद्दाख की विशिष्ट संक्रांति संस्कृति, इसकी आश्चर्यजनक प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और इसके मठों की नाटकीय वास्तुकला के साथ मिलकर, इसे भारत के सबसे आकर्षक क्षेत्रों में से एक बनाती है।

Information about Himachal Pradesh in Hindi
(इनफार्मेशन अबाउट हिमाचल प्रदेश इन हिंदी)

It can also be called Himachal in Himachal or Himachal in Himachal. In Hindi, literally means 'snow' or 'snow' and 'alaya' means house, which makes the Himalayas 'home of the Himalayas' and from there the name of Himachal is 'Land of Snow'.
The Himalayas also affect the climate of Himachal. Massive changes in altitude of mountains (from 450 m to 6500 m) cause a large difference in climatic conditions.

The following are the different climatic conditions according to elevation:

450 M-950 M - Tropical Warm and Sub-humid
900m-1800m - Hot
1900 m-400 m - Cool
2400m-4800m and above - cold alpine and glaciers

The Himalaya, fulfilling its promise, is a reservoir of vast amounts of 'Him' in the form of ice, fresh and ground water. And many rivers originate from the mouth of this moisture, which flows under the name of Himachal, namely Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Yamuna. It is also the reason for dozens of lakes in Himachal Pradesh.
From the ground water to the top of the mountains, the Himalayas have blessed Himachal with great natural wealth. In the middle, passes, valleys and hot springs are also the gifts of the Himalayas to Himachal.

Information about History of Himachal Pradesh.
(हिमाचल प्रदेश के इतिहास की जानकारी।)

Himachal Pradesh has been inhabited by humans since the beginning of civilization. It has a rich and varied history known as many

  • प्रागितिहास।( Prehistory)

About 2 million years ago, man lived in the foothills of Himachal Pradesh, such as the Bangana Valley of Kangra, Sirsa Valley of Nalagarh and Markanda Valley of Sirmaur. The foothills of the state were inhabited by people of the Indus Valley Civilization which developed between 2250 and 1750 B.C. The people of the Indus Valley civilization were pushing the original inhabitants of the Ganges plains, known as the North of the Kolarians. They moved to the hills of Himachal Pradesh where they could live in peace and preserve their way of life.

In the Vedas he is referred to as Das, Dasyu and Nishada, while in later works he is called Kinnar, Naga and Yaksha. The Kol or Munday are believed to be native migrants in the hills of present-day Himachal.
The second phase of the migrants came in the form of Mongol people known as Bhota and Kirata. Later came the third and most important wave of migrants in the form of Aryans who left their Central Asian home. He got the basis of history and culture of Himachal Pradesh.

  • प्रारंभिक इतिहास। (early history)

According to the Mahabharata, the route known as present day Himachal Pradesh is known as Janapadas, each of which constitutes a state and cultural unit.

  • Audumbras:

 They were the most prominent ancient tribe of Himachal who lived in the low hills between Pathankot and Volcano. They formed a separate state in 2 B.C.

  • Trigarta: (त्रिगरता)

The state lies in the lower foothills by three rivers, such as Ravi, Beas and Sutlej and hence the name. It is believed that it was an independent republic.

  • Totality:. कुलता 

The kingdom of Kilta was located in the Upper Beas Valley which is also known as Kulali Valley. Its capital was Naggar

  • Kulind: (कुलिंड)

This state covers the area situated between Basa, Sutlej and Yamuna rivers, ie Shimla and Sirmore hills. His administration resembled a republic with members of the central assembly sharing the powers of the king.

  • Gupta Empire:(गुप्ता साम्राज्य)

 Chandragupta gradually weakened most of the republics of Himachal due to the use of coercion or force, though he did not usually rule them directly. Ashoka, grandson of Chandragupta, extended the boundaries into the Himalayan region. He introduced Buddhism to this route, he built several stupas, one of which is in the Kullu valley.

  • Harsha:(हर्ष)

 Before the fall of the Gupta empire and the rise of Harsha, the region was again ruled by small chiefs known as Thakurs and Rana. With the rise of Harsha in the early 7th century, most of these small states accepted their overall domination, although many local powers remained with small chiefs.

  • Rajput period. (राजपूत अवधि:)

A few decades after Harsha's death (647 AD), many Rajput states moved to the Rajput and Indus plains. They fought among themselves and were defeated in the hills with their followers, where they established small kingdoms or overlords. These states included Kangra, Nurpur, Suket, Mandi, Kuthalhar, Baglal, Bilaspur, Nalagarh, Keyonthal, Dhami, Kunihar, Bushehar, Sirmaur.

  • Mughal rule.(मुगल शासन): 

By the eve of the Muslim invasions in northern India, the small hill state gained great independence. States of the foothills were ravaged by Muslim invaders from time to time. Mahmud Ghaznavi conquered Kangra in the early 10th century. Timur and Alexander Lodi also climbed through the low hills and captured many forts and fought many battles. Later the Mughal dynasty began to disband; The rulers of the hill states took full advantage. The Katoch rulers of Kangra took advantage of this opportunity and Kangra gained independence under Maharaja Sansar Chand, who ruled for nearly half a century. He was the most powerful administrator of the region. After the formal occupation of the Kangra Fort, Sansar Chand began to expand his territory. Sansar came under the direct or indirect control of Chandra in the states of Chamba, Suket, Mandi, Bilaspur, Gular, Jaswan, Siwan and Dattapur.

Anglo-Gorkha and Anglo-Sikh War: In the year 1768 a Gurkha, a martial tribe came to power in Nepal. He strengthened his military power and began to expand his territory. Gradually the Gurkhas occupied the hill states of Sirmour and Shimla. With the leadership of Amar Singh Thapa, the Gurkhas surrounded Kangra.He defeated the ruler of Kangra, Sansar Chand in 1806 with the help of several hill chiefs. However, the Gurkhas could not capture the Kangra Fort which came under Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1809. After this defeat, the Gurkhas began to expand towards the south. This resulted in the Anglo-Gurkha War. They came into direct conflict with the English along the Tarai belt, after which the English expelled them from the eastern hill states of Sutlej. Thus the British gradually emerged as the supreme powers in this route. After the Anglo-Gurkha War, the common boundary of the British domain and Punjab became very sensitive. Both the Sikhs and the English wanted to avoid a direct conflict, but after the death of Ranjit Singh, the Khalsa army fought several wars with the British. In 1845 when the Sikhs crossed the Satluj and invaded British territory, the rulers of several hill states acted in favor of the English as they were looking for an opportunity to score with the East. Many of these rulers entered into secret communication with the English. After the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British did not return the mountainous area vacated by the Sikhs to their original owners.
Revolt of 1857: Rebellion or the First Indian War of Independence was the result of the creation of political, social, economic, religious and military grievances against the British. The people of the hill states were not as politically alive as the people of other parts of the country. They remained more or less segregated and with the exception of Busher, their rulers did as well, some of whom also assisted the British during the rebellion. Among them were the rulers of Chamba, Bilaspur, Bhagal and Dhami. The rulers of the Bushers acted hostile to the interests of the British. Although it is not clear whether they actually support the rebels or not.

British rule 1858 to 1914:

British territories in the hill were under the British Crown after the 1858 declaration of Queen Victoria. The states of Chamba, Mandi and Bilaspur have made good progress in many areas during the British rule. During World War I, all the rulers of the hill states remained loyal and contributed to the British war effort both as men and material. Among these were the states of Kangra, Siba, Nurpur, Chamba, Suket, Mandi and Bilaspur.

Freedom Struggle 1914 to 1947: The people of the hill also participated in the freedom struggle. Praja Mandal launched movements against the British-ruled troops under direct British rule. Movements for social and political reforms were started in other princely states. However these were directed more against the princesses than the British and as such were extensions of the independence movement. The Mandi conspiracy was carried out in 1914–15 under the influence of the Gadhar Party. In December 1914 and January 1915 meetings were held in the states of Mandi and Suket and the superintendent and wazir of Mandi and Suket decided to plunder the treasury and blow up the bridge over the Beas River. However the conspirators were caught and sentenced to longer terms in prison. The Pajota movement in which people from a part of Sirmore state revolted is considered an extension of the 1942 Quit India Movement. Among the important freedom fighters of this state during this period were Drs. Parmar, Padma Dev, Shivanand Ramoul, Purnanand, Satya Dev, Sada Ram Chandel, Daulat Ram, Thakur Hazara Singh and Pahari Gandhi Baba Kanshi Ram. The Congress party was particularly active in the independence movement in the hill state of Kangra. Revolt of 1857: Rebellion or the First Indian War of Independence was the result of the creation of political, social, economic, religious and military grievances against the British. The people of the hill states were not as politically alive as the people of other parts of the country. They remained more or less segregated and with the exception of Busher, their rulers did as well, some of whom also assisted the British during the rebellion. Among them were the rulers of Chamba, Bilaspur, Bhagal and Dhami. The rulers of the Bushers acted hostile to the interests of the British. However it is unclear whether they actually aided the rebels or not.

British rule 1858 to 1914: British territories in the hill were under the British Crown after the 1858 declaration of Queen Victoria. The states of Chamba, Mandi and Bilaspur have made good progress in many areas during the British rule. During World War I, all the rulers of the hill states remained loyal and contributed to the British war effort both as men and material. Among these were the states of Kangra, Siba, Nurpur, Chamba, Suket, Mandi and Bilaspur.
Freedom Struggle 1914 to 1947: The people of the hill also participated in the freedom struggle. Praja Mandal launched movements against the British-ruled troops under direct British rule. Movements for social and political reforms were started in other princely states. However these were directed more against the princesses than the British and as such were extensions of the independence movement. The Mandi conspiracy was carried out in 1914–15 under the influence of the Gadhar Party. In December 1914 and January 1915 meetings were held in the states of Mandi and Suket and the superintendent and wazir of Mandi and Suket decided to plunder the treasury and blow up the bridge over the Beas River. However the conspirators were caught and sentenced to longer terms in prison. The Pajota movement in which people from a part of Sirmore state revolted is considered an extension of the 1942 Quit India Movement. Among the important freedom fighters of this state during this period were Drs. Parmar, Padma Dev, Shivanand Ramoul, Purnanand, Satya Dev, Sada Ram Chandel, Daulat Ram, Thakur Hazara Singh and Pahari Gandhi Baba Kanshi Ram. The Congress party was particularly active in the independence movement in the hill state of Kangra.

  • Plants and animals.(पौधे और प्राणी।)

With this diversity, there is a vast range of flora and fauna. The outer boundary of Himachal is formed by the Siwalik hills with shallow plunge and less dense scrub. There is immense potential for Indian sunshine as the hills climb high and across parts of the tropical flora to fragrant pine forests - which merge with oak forests and the flowers of roodendenrone. The middle ranges are the cedars (almost 'Didar') and spruce of the royal Himalayas. Then closer to the ice side, fir, alder and birch expand into chill pine that gives delicious kernels - 'chilgoza' and giant elm tiling and horse-chestnuts, making cameo appearances.
The groundcover constructed of wild flowers, ferns and a variety of grasses and rare medicinal herbs - while vast meadows under the sky, lined by juniper and lichens. Past the snow peaks, it is largely dry for the monsoon - the lifeline of India; Who are forced to live south of this inaccessible mountain barrier.
Himachal has been home to a wide variety of birds and animals for countless centuries. There are pathesants whose colors can keep the rainbow in shadow; So there are bifurcated and diseased kites, babax, deer, deer, bears, leopards, rare bharas and thars - and the elusive snow leopard

Information about Culture of Himachal Pradesh.
(हिमाचल प्रदेश की संस्कृति के बारे में जानकारी।)

Unlike the other great mountains of the world, which have been treated in popular lore as houses of demons and evil spirits, the Himalayas and Himachal have always been regarded as gentle and life-giving. These are places of consolation and sanctuary. With just jungle and snow and icy winds for the company, these heights surpassed the great sages of ancient times and their knowledge made India very recognizable of its identity.
Culturally and geographically, the state has three fairly well-defined regions. The 'tribal belt' forms the districts of Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti, is largely Buddhist and the language belongs to the Himalayan belt of Tibeto-Burmese.

The middle belt embraces this bandh and is characterized by wooded hills and cultivated valleys - with villages, farms and orchards situated on the slopes.

Sub-healthy people of Himachal practice cultivation and the region traditionally has the largest concentration of population.

Information about Religion of Himachal Pradesh.
(हिमाचल प्रदेश के धर्म की जानकारी हिंदी में।)

In Himachal, the freshest of leaves originate from roots that have been deep for centuries - and the plants come from different varieties.
South of the Greater Himalayas, Hinduism has a strong presence. In the middle hills, the rustic practice is seen in worship or many local 'gods' and 'goddesses'

In the Trans Himalayas, Buddhism has progressed successfully for over a thousand years.

The presence of Christianity coincides with the arrival of the British and the state has more than a dozen churches in its territory.

Similarly, there are many places throughout the state which are consecrated by the Sikhs.
Islam records its presence in Nahan and some nearby major cities.

Information about Fairs and Festivals of Himachal Pradesh.
(हिमाचल प्रदेश के मेले और त्यौहारों की जानकारी)

Most of Himachal's fairs and festivals are a celebration of life, or religious or agricultural roots. Practically every major festival in North India is celebrated in Himachal - and each person has their own special touch.
In addition, some two thousand deities are worshiped in Himachal - and many fairs and festivals are held in his honor. There are other people who started as of yesterday and have added their colors to a gorgeous collage. It is a festive celebration of life, from season to sport and religion to business.

Practically without exception, every village has a small celebration or a few people who are small family or community affairs and there are others where thousands of people can attend. Some are very unusual, such as Fulich / Flach or Okhyang in Kinnaur; It commemorates, inter alia, the end of summer and the beginning of winter. Each village sends its members to collect flowers from the hills and these gather at the village chowk. It is a time for celebration and traditional dance. Other festivals have been marked with buffalo fights and wrestling matches. Almost everyone has dance, music and folk songs.
One of the most spectacular festivals, with particular nuances to Himachal, is Dasara festival in Kullu in the month of October. It is commemorated in memory of Lord Rama's victory over the demon king Ravana - an event that symbolizes the horrors of evil in Indian traditions. On the open Dhalpur Maidan in Kullu, Raghunath ji's chariot (Lord Rama is known in the valley), exits the temple and the festival begins when the image of Goddess Hadimba Devi comes from neighboring Manali. Nearly two hundred gods have also gathered from all over the region to pay tribute to Raghunathji.

By Devaatz.blogspot.com

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